We comply with laws and regulations
We comply with applicable national and international laws and regulations in all our operations. Mainly these legislative acts include legislation regarding employee health, working conditions and safety, equality, protection of privacy, corruption, fair competition, consumer and environmental protection as well as product safety.
We require that our business partners comply with aforementioned laws and regulations in all their operations. Our partners never encourage or instruct anyone to violate applicable laws.

We respect human rights
We are committed to respecting internationally acknowledged human rights and aim to take effective measures to avoid adverse effects on human rights, which could directly or indirectly be associated with our operations. We do not accept discrimination, harassment, violence, mental coercion or verbal threats. We follow applicable labor legislation and respect the freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining as defined in the ILO conventions.
- We do not accept the use of child labor
- We do not accept forced or compulsory labor
- We do not accept any form of discrimination
We expect our partners to also respect human rights in their activities and strive to do their part in standing up for these rights.

We adhere to ethical business practices
We have zero tolerance for corruption, blackmail, embezzlement and bribery. We do not allow, request, or offer improper financial transactions or other inducements to government officials or other parties. We also do not recommend, encourage, induce or instruct anyone, directly or indirectly, to take or give a bribe or to make or accept illegal payments.
We are committed to competing fairly and to complying with applicable competition laws and regulations in our dealings with competitors, customers, suppliers and other business partners.
- We are committed to fair competition
- We do not offer or accept bribes
We expect the same commitment from our partners. Our business partners understand that violating ethical business practices damages our reputation and that of our partners, in addition to other potentially serious consequences. Our partners do not accept any form of bribery.

We minimize our environmental impact
Climate change mitigation is one of the main focuses in our responsibility action. The aim is to promote sustainable production and consumption in cooperation with our partners. Our group’s companies and our business partners work together to find ways to reduce our environmental impact.
All our partners’ activities must comply with applicable national and international environmental laws and regulations. Environmental protection must be duly taken into account in all decision-making, and our partners are committed to avoid and minimize adverse effects on the environment in their own operations.

We care about health and safety
Our aim is to create and maintain work environments throughout our operations with high health and safety standards consistent with national requirements. Employees must not work in dangerous, uncertain, or unhealthy conditions that can threaten their health and safety.
Product safety as well as consumer health and safety are of utmost importance to us. Our goal is to ensure that all of our products and services meet all agreed and legally established quality standards.
We expect our business partners to have a similar view of occupational safety. Our partners are committed to contributing to ensuring product safety and ensuring that our products and services meet agreed and legally required requirements.

We manage information confidentially
We respect the data, technology, intellectual property rights and other confidential information of our business partners and are committed to using this information in accordance with the agreements concluded with these partners. We respect data protection rights and disclose confidential information concerning our operations, personnel, customers or business partners only to relevant parties. We avoid potential conflicts of interest.
- We process personal data in accordance with data protection principles.
- We keep trade secrets confidential.
We expect our partners to manage confidential information appropriately in accordance with these principles, applicable laws, and ethical business practices.

Reporting concerns and misconduct
We are committed to responsible and ethical business practices and expect same commitment from our business partners. Violations of this Code of Conduct significantly jeopardize the reputation of both the companies involved and the brands we represent. Misconduct on these guidelines poses significant risks to business operations, the society, and to the people involved in this kind of action.
For the reasons mentioned above, we cannot accept inappropriate actions and, if such behavior occurs, we will take immediate steps to stop the inappropriate actions and improve the situation going forward.
Our partners have the right and obligation to immediately report any concerns or violations related to the Code of Conduct to us.
Our companies aim to be reliable partners for our stakeholders and to work together and responsibly towards common goals. Thank you for confirming that you share and adhere to the same values as us!